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Circularity in Practice

Born out of the idea that a design brand can be extended to a communicative platform, this journal shares current design perspectives with a sustainable innovation focus.

In 2019, when the prototypes of durable, yet biodegradable rainwear were tested, Christian joined Verena’s journey as an external communication consultant. Together, they have encountered innovative and future-oriented concepts, which too often stay in the laboratories or exhibition context. They take a closer look at the barriers and misperceptions related to the circular economy and especially highlight ideas which, despite many challenges, do meet the light of day.

August 2021

CAPEBAG: 6 facts 

Who designed CAPEBAG, why is this product innovative and aren’t the attributes “compostable but durable” conflicting? Get answers to these and more questions!

June 2021

Waste cycles: Why do bioplastics decompose in Amsterdam, but not in Berlin?

Let's turn our attention to waste cycles. “Bioplastics are not suitable for industrial waste systems”, claims Berlin’s public waste company BSR. “Bioplastics certified EN13432 decompose in industrial waste systems, but the waste cycle has to be long enough“, says designer Verena and she gives more insights.

May 2021

Bioplastics do not exist? Yes, they do exist and here is why!

“Bioplastics do not exist”, has become a popular notion. Designer Verena Michels says: “Let’s refocus the public debate! There are different types of bioplastics. And some are indeed circular”.